
Showing posts from January, 2020

Purple jade and its properties

While most people are well acquainted with the green colors associated with jadeite, it is not common knowledge that these stones come in variety of shades and colors for exceptional jewelry. The imperial jade is always the vivid green, but jadeite, which is the more expensive version of the stones, comes in various colors, like red, brown, lavender, black, yellow, gray, orange, and white. Jade has been considered for centuries to have metaphysical healing powers, and that is true for all the colors for these exceptional stones. The purple jade specifically has been used over the years for dispelling negative attitudes, feelings and cleansing the aura of the wearer; it is also known to increase joyousness and merriment in life and can be found online or at a jewelry store in Eatontown, NJ and at other locations. Properties of purple jade These stones are revered in many ancient cultures, namely the Royal House of China. Jade is not known to be a clear stone although the c